The Way of the Geek’s Secret Origin

is admittedly not as extraordinary as the stories I study everyday. But the motivations and concepts behind it are. My aim is to provide a space to facilitate thought, discussion, commentary, philosophy and analysis into all things and anything that we as nerds idolize. My first contribution to the vast orgies of thoughts on this vessel we refer to as the Internet: opinions are kind of like butts. Everyone has one. But the vast majority of them stink. Im here to show you the one’s that truly smell like roses.

I have organized my blog into 4 sections: Comics, Movies/TV shows, Video Games, and Other topics. My goal is to publish routine content that is designed to spark discussion. I won’t just be your average review of the comic that just came out or the movie you just saw. Im going to do my best to put depth into it from the perspective of someone who is truly passionate about all things nerdy. I am interested in analyzing these things we all love in pursuit of developing a deeper understanding. I have found that by doing so it only increases our love and passion.

So. Im here to help you develop your passion. Lets become experts together.

I will talk about anything you want as long as it has a fandom. I will do my best to provide meat and depth in my topics that you won’t find elsewhere. I will look at things from different angles that only a geek can. I will provide insights where applicable and offer informed opinions from someone who is capable of deep thought.

I am always open to discussion requests so don’t hesitate to reach out.

This isn’t just a hobby. It’s a lifestyle that we all live. If you’re not as proud of that as I am…then lets get you there.

This is the Way of the Geek